Press Release
(CEP) Aug 2021
Cynas 3E is proud to announce its partnership with an NFT(non-fungible token) company. We will receive 25% of sales from the bathroompeeps NFT Collection. We would like to thank Max Spigle and Tim Locklear for their generous donation to our foundation.
(CEP) June 2021
Cynas 3E is proud to support RHCC Family Bridge Program - Director Ms. Wanda Bullard
Each program is designed specifically to meet the unique needs of women and their children. RHCC’s approach to treatment is to provide their clients with a safe, clean, and 24 hour supervised living environment where they can focus on recovery from substance use disorders while maintaining a family structure for their children.
(CEP) April 2021
Poison Prevention Presentation
The presentation was presented in collaboration with Cynas 3E and April Oxendine, Safe Kids Coordinator with the
Robeson County Health Dept. She presented an overview of how household
cleaning supplies and other items can be dangerous to kids. The kids
received incentives after the presentation.
(CEP) March 2021
Community Trash Cleanup
Cynas 3E joined the countywide cleanup day to demonstrate the need to keep native lands clean and healthy for our ecosystems.
As natives of this land, we recognize the importance of keeping our communities free of litter and want to pass that knowledge to our younger generations.
(CEP) Feb 2021
Cynas3E has started the second season of planting potatoes for people in the community. Last year thanks to God we harvested 1100 lbs of potatoes which were distributed to many elders and people in Robeson county. In this process, we teach the youth how to let the land sustain their food intake.
(CADS) March 2020
Ramp for Mr Douglas
(CADS) Oct 2020
Ramp for Ms. Locklear, Thanks to the Prospect Men's Club for all their hard work. Also thanks to Shoeheel Holiness Methodist church for donations towards this project.
(CADS) Feb 2020
Ramp for Ms. Clark, Thanks to the Prospect Men's Club for all their hard work. Also thanks to Macedonia and Shoeheel Holiness Methodist church for donations towards this project.
(CEP) Aug 2018
Cynas 3E had the honor to host a presentation about the Southeastern Woodland Designs Color Book and how to use it in the class room with the Robeson County Indian Education Staff. The presentation was conducted by Author Jamie K Oxendine of Ohio. Special guests where, Mr. John, Mr Reggie and Mr. Kaya of the Lumbee Tribe and Ms. Kat Littleturtle. We would like to thank Dr. Connie Locklear, director of Indian education for inviting us to do this event.
(CADS) July-2018
On July 29th Cynas 3E was honored to be part of a care boxes distribution to local families. The boxes consist of Clorox, Purex Washing Powders, Body Wash, along with other hygiene products.
Fifty(50) boxes were prepared and distributed. All was made possible by many helping hands. Billy Oxendine, John Locklear, Joesph Chavis, Jeremy Hunt, and Roman Lowry.
Special thanks to Discount Wholesaler and International Paper of Lumberton.
(CEP) Community Enrichment Program June-2018
Cyna’s 3E is proud to announce the publication of “SOUTHEASTERN WOODLAND DESIGNS” Book authored by local Lumbee author Jamie K. Oxendine and illustrator Timothy P. Locklear II. This book will be used as part of the Community Enrichment Program (C.E.P.). The proceeds from the book will be used in the programs and services of our non-profit. To order your copy please click here.
(CADS) April-2018
Ramp for Ms Harris
(CADS) Aug-2017
Ramp for Brayboy
(CADS) May-2017
Ramp for Lowry
(CADS) Aug -2016
Preparing clothes
Cynas 3E with several churches and groups in the community held a street ministry on Sunday August 14, 2016 in the parking lot of Cyna's Jewelers. Free clothes and food was provided.
(CADS) Aug -2016
Ramp for Mr. Bullard in Midway Community
(CADS) May -2016
We would like to thank LRCOG for providing the material and Shoeheel Holiness Methodist Church for the Labor.
(CADS) March -2016
We would like to thank Union Chapel Holiness Methodist Church, Mt Airy Baptist Church and Mr Lacy Cummings for helping Mr. Lex.
(CADS) Dec -2015
Thanks to a generous donation from Campbell Soup Cyna’s 3E and the 11th Hour Ministries were able to distribute 117 FREE food bags to 5 low-income areas in Pembroke. The bags were donated by Stevie from Pembroke Hardware. This would not have been possible without the donations from Campbell Soup and Pembroke Hardware. Volunteers from Cyna’s 3E and the 11th Hour Ministries sorted, bagged and delivered the food bags on Monday December 21 2015.
(CADS) Oct -2015
(CEP) Sept -2015
An evening with Dr. Calvina Ellerbe of UNCP, Dr. Ellerbe presented her health experiences as well as how a person can uncover their health potential.
(CADS) Aug -2015
Once again Cynas 3E received a generous donation from the American Bible Society (ABS). The ABS donated 30 extra large print Bibles to date totaling 100 Bibles. These Bibles are given to SPIN Care Facility Ministry to provide free Bibles to those in care facilities.
(CADS) Feb -2015
Cynas 3E received another generous donation from the American Bible Society (ABS). The ABS donated 30 extra large print Bibles for those people who are visually challenged. Cynas 3E in turn was glad to distribute these Bibles to SPIN Care Facility Ministry to provide free Bibles to those in care facilities. SPIN's director Tim Locklear said, "this could not have come at a better time we have distuibuted all previously donated bibles and have requests for more." We would like to thank American Bible Society for their charitable support in spreading the Word of God.
(CADS) Jan -2015
Ramp for M. Jacobs in Pembroke NC
Maxton-While most who had the day off in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday and spent the time doing whatever for themselves members of the youth group of Shoeheel Holiness Methodist church and volunteers from CYNAS 3E spent the day building a wheel chair ramp. Pictured in the group are Seth Locklear, Abel Locklear, Santanna Lowry, Justin Locklear and the Reverend Clyde Locklear Jr. and behind the camera Mr. Tim Locklear project coordinator for the Community and Disabilities Services (CADS) program with CYNAS 3E. After the job was completed the group was treated to a meal at Wendy’s. If you would like to donate or wish to participate in a worthwhile building project contact your local pastor or Missions chairperson or Brother Tim at 910 521-3690.
(CEP) Dec -2014
CYNAS 3E received a contribution from Cyna's Diamond and Jewelers of Pembroke to award participants of Shoeheel Holiness Methodist church for the hard work into the recent Christmas program. The crew and cast were awarded with custom made lapel pins.
(CADS) Nov -2014
Maxton, Nov 1st 2014- When doing mission work you never know what you will find which often makes the task all the more fun. This was the case when members of Shoeheel and New Bethel Holiness Methodist Churches and volunteers from Cyna's 3E a local non-profit arrived at the home of J.C. and Susie Clark in Scotland County early this morning. The weather was cold and windy with sporadic rain most people would have cancelled but we have built twenty ramps in the past few years and have found that God always allows us to get the job done. Pictured above on the left is one of those unexpected tasks that you find Nick and Shania found a small cat with his head stuck in a jar, don't know what he was after but the jar was empty except for his head, cats! After freeing the cat from the jar he was fine and released to go back to doing whatever it is that cat's do. The rescue mission now over the group once again turned its attention to the task at hand replacing an old ramp that was long overdue. Sometimes in mission work it is much better to use brain power over brute force, but never under-estimate the convenience of brute force as Jesse Locklear and Roman Lowry used his four-wheel drive truck to remove the old ramp making the path clear for the construction of a new one. As the job neared completion the weather grew increasingly colder and windier but everyone was warm inside as they reflected on a another job well done.
(CADS) Oct -2014
Cynas 3E received a generous donation from the American Bible Society (ABS). The ABS donated 40 extra large print Bibles for those people who are visually challenged. Cynas 3E in turn distributed these Bibles to SPIN Care Facility Ministry to provide free Bibles to those in need at nursing homes and care facilities in Robeson and surrounding counties. We would like to thank American Bible Society for their charitable support in spreading the Word of God.
(CADS) Sept -2014
Maxton- On September 6, 2014 members of Shoeheel church finally stopped talking about missions and did some in the form of building a much needed and long overdue wheel chair ramp for long time member Sister Emma Locklear. Mrs. Locklear has been faithful in service to our Lord Jesus Christ and though blind and now suffering from health issues that force her to use a wheel chair she always has something good to say about our Savior. Volunteers from her church family and CYNAS 3E arrived early and took advantage of the umbrella that God had provided in the form of clouds which was so greatly appreciated especially in light of the extremely hot weather of the past several weeks. We would like to thank Armando and Mike Milicia, Clay and Landon Locklear, Mitchell Harris, Harold Jacobs, Glenn Locklear, Josh Locklear, Tim Locklear and Mr. Bracy Scott the elder statesman of the group and project supervisor for making this effort such a success. Upon completion of the ramp everyone moved on over to the Church to participate in a "hot dog" evangelism event sponsored by the church youth. (Pictured below L-R) Clay, Landon, Mitchell and Mr. Bracy
(CADS) Aug -2014
Fairmont-The over cast skies seemed to be a signal of the rains to come. But for volunteers from God’s Holy Assembly Church, Union Chapel and Shoeheel Holiness Methodists churches it was seen as God providing an umbrella from the recent days of scorching sun and high temperatures. Mr. Tim Locklear Community and Disabilities Services (CADS) coordinator from CYNAS 3E had received another request for assistance to help a family needing a wheelchair ramp to improve their quality of life. True to form when the team arrived the rain stopped and when the project was complete some two hours later the rains returned. Reminding all involved that contrary to popular opinion that God is still in control.
(CADS) July -2014
Cyna's 3E had the pleasure of participating in a street ministry on Sunday July 27, 2014 from 2:30 to 5:30 in the parking lot of Cyna's Jewelers. The Eleventh Hour Ministries along with local churches were able to feed and clothe those in need. Cyna's 3E provided helping hands through two of its board members sorting and distributing of clothes and serving food.. We thank GOD for the opportunity to serve others in need in our community.
(CEP) April -2014
Cyna's 3E Sponored Easter gifts for two local Family Care Facilities.
(CEP) April -2014
Cyna's 3E was glad to be able to collaborate with UNCP to enhance the Pembroke area community.
(CADS) April -2014
Maxton-April 5, 2014 saw another great collaborative effort for churches of the Lumber River Conference of the Holiness Methodist Church, God’s Holy Assembly and Cyna’s 3E of Pembroke. The project involved the construction of a wheel chair ramp for a client moving into a home without handicap accessibility. Union Chapel Holiness Methodist provided volunteers and donated the necessary building materials, while volunteers Shoeheel and God’s Holy Assembly gathered at 8:00 am to construct the ramp. Leadership for the event was provided by Mr. Tim Locklear who serves as Community and Disabilities Services (CADS) coordinator for CYNAS 3E a non-profit agency located in Pembroke NC.
If you are interested in getting more involved with local mission projects in your area please contact your pastor or the LRCHMC Home and Foreign Mission Board who would be please to help. Thank you to all the workers, Union Chapel church and CYNAS 3E for making the project such a success.
(CADS) Jan -2014
(CADS) Jan -2014
Cyna's 3E had the pleasure of participating in a street ministry on Sunday January 19, 2014 from 2:30 to 5:30 in the parking lot of Cyna's Jewelers. The Eleventh Hour Ministries along with local churches were able to feed and clothe those in need. Cyna's 3E provided the hot chocolate and board members were on hand to help with the sorting and distributing of clothes. We thank GOD for the opportunity to serve others in need.
(CADS) Jan-2014
(CADS) Jan-2014
Cynas 3E participated in a community street ministry held on Jan. 5th 2013 at Pembroke Fire Department in Pembroke, NC along with Union Chapel Holiness Methodist church and 11th Hour Ministries. Clothes, can food items, shoes, blankets and toys were given out to those in need. Cynas 3E donated cups of hot chocolate and cappuccino and assisted with sorting clothes, bagging can foods, and serving food.
(CEP) Dec -2013
Cyna’s 3E donated Christmas gift bags to SPIN care facility ministry for residents at several assisted living facilities. The bags contained hygiene products and socks. The gift bags were presented and devotion was held afterwards along with singing and prayer.
Dec -2013
Donation From Spirit Riders of Pembroke NC
Amount $454.00
Meeting with Jarrod Lowery, Outreach Laision at Office of the Governor, State of North Carolina
(CEP) NAPE Oct-2013
NAPE Development Day 10-14-2013
Native Americans in Professional Education: Achieving Success hosted by UNCP
On October 14, 2013 Cynas 3E had the privilege to share in a "teachable moment" with the community and other students at the Native American Professional Education Day held on the campus of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. For 2 hours, Cynas 3E shared the benefits of juicing and oils. Free samples of apple, orange and watermelon juice were available as well as peppermint and lemon oil. There were approximately 100 people in attendance.
(CADS) Ramp for Barnes Oct-2013
Keynote Speaker
DR. Colleen Shannon
Holistic Doctor
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (will be available) consumption & purchase
Pre-Register!!! Fee $25.00 Register at Cynas Jewelers (910) 521-3690
(Please no Walk-Ins at the Event) May call in payment... major credit cards accepted
Participants will receive an information package
Programs food served
(CADS) Ramp for Pearl Sept-2013
(CADS) Ramp for Smith Sept-2013
Holistic Doctor
Dr. Shannon
Essential Oils
When: July 26th, 2013
Location: Pembroke Holiday Inn
Time: 6:00pm
Sponsored by: CYNAS Foundations
(CADS) Ramp for Maynor June-2013
Pembroke NC- Seeing a need and addressing the same are often two extremes of any given issue and while most people can readily recognize and assess the validity of a need most either lack the ability or the means to address it. Fortunately for the Ceroshie Maynor family, Tim Locklear, coordinator for the Community And Disabilities Service (CADS) program of CYNAS 3E saw the need for a wheelchair ramp and worked to see it come to fruition. In collaboration with Lowe’s Home Improvement who furnished the materials necessary to complete the task along with several volunteers such as Heath Brayboy a community volunteer, Roman Lowry of New Bethel Holiness Methodist Church (Fairmont), Bronnie Scott and Dwayne Lowry of Union Chapel Holiness Methodist Church (Union Chapel) Glonnie Scott of the Mission Church (Maynors’ Center) and Tim Paul Locklear II of the Multitudes Church (Laurinburg) spent a morning measuring, cutting and constructing a wheel chair ramp to help improve the life of Ms. Maynor who had recently broken her hip. (Sponsored by Lowes of Lumberton NC)
(CADS) Benefit April-2013
Myra Oxendine-Bell Benefit Run sponsored by Cyna's 3E
Mrs . Cynthia spoke at the Healing Lodge about diabetes and how it is affecting Native American.
(CADS) Ramp for Lovetickle January-2013
Shannon NC- Seeing a need and addressing the same are often two extremes of any given issue and while most people can readily recognize and assess the validity of a need most either lack the ability or the means to address it. Fortunately for the Wanda Lovetickle family, Tim Locklear, coordinator for the Community And Disabilities Service (CADS) program of CYNAS 3E saw the need for a wheelchair ramp and worked to see it come to fruition. In collaboration with Lowe’s employees Susan Hill, Kenneth Locklear and Mark Merrick, along with NJ McNeill of God’s Holy Assembly (Red Springs), Wayne Swett of New Bethel Holiness Methodist Church (Fairmont) and Tim Paul Locklear II of the Multitudes Church (Laurinburg) spent the first Saturday of the New Year measuring, cutting and constructing a wheel chair ramp to help improve the life of Lovetickle who is suffering from a number of debilitating health issues. In addition to donating time and talent to the project Lowe’s Home Improvement also furnished the materials necessary to complete the task.
(CEP) Dec -2012
(CEP) Oct -2012
Cyna's 3E donated gifts and helped with Benefit Bike Run event for Martin Dial on October 21, 2012. Martin is now deceased of colon cancer.
(CEP) Nov -2011
Many Journeys American Indian Heritage Celebration Nov 5th, 2011. Cyna's Jewelers traveled to Charlotte to encourage culture awareness. Sponsored by Cynas 3E